It's true. My son moved out this weekend and started High School today. I have spent the last four years as a homeschooling mom and many years before that as a mom to many kids and general supporter of all things emotional and educational. Today there are only 3 out of six of my children living here. The house seems quiet and a little empty. Very weird.
So, because I couldn't deal with being in the house on Saturday as Conner was moving out, I went shopping instead. This is what I got:
Yup. It is mine. All mine.
I spent the afternoon spinning, well- sometimes merely attempting to, at Spinnity's, and lovely Sheetal was kind enough to take these pics.
But really I made a bit of a mess of it. It was doing fine at the shop and I seemed to get the hang of it, but didn't do nearly as well once I changed fiber and was on my own. I know it will take time for me to get to know my wheel (hmmmm, might have to name it...) but I am very glad that I decided to buy the wheel now so that I have the time to do so before we move. Should I show you the mess I made? I guess I have nothing to hide.
And my knitting? The Firestarter socks are incredibly addictive and I am now on the leg!
I be finishing me knittin' with sticks a plenty. I be almost finished with me Mystery Stole, me bein on the seventh clue an all. The cockle shells be warmin' me heart!
And the other lacey thing, the Print o' the wave shawl is gettin on bein done as well. I have knit and finished the main body o' the piece and just need to be doin all that frilly stuff around the edges. Might be needin a bit o' grog to get that one going though. All the waves be makin me sea sick. Looks like a bit o' seaweed don't ya think?
Seems like I'll be dunking and blocking many knitted things in the near-to future! Might have to use the plank to lay 'em all out!
Lookie at me new sock project as well! Ain't it purty? That there be Firestarter, designed by Yarnissima and ye all can get yer own copies if ye contact her yerselves. Or ye can go here.
I just realized that when I last left you I was in a state of emotional distress. I wanted to let you all know that I am feeling better. My life is still in upheaval BUT I am bearing it for the moment and things are moving forward - which is good, cause it is the initial movement or stagnation that causes me to stress!
Tomorrow I leave to drive my dear eldest daughter back up to Olympia. It is a long but nice drive (well except for the long boring part on I-5 through the central valley of California.) If you ever have to drive this bit of road, try to do so either early in the day or at night. Middle of the day is "no bueno". If you have driven it then you know what I am talking about! Anyway, tomorrow = long drive. Saturday = move stuff for daughter. Sunday = long drive back home.
Now, some of you might remember that the halfway point between here and there is lovely Ashland, Oregon. Gee, they just happen to have a yarn shop there. Huh. How about that. IT is also just a nice place to visit!
So, how about some knitting content? I have been plodding along, it's true - no other word can quite describe it - on the Print of the Wave Stole. I am almost done with the main body of the stole. I think I have 5 or 6 pattern repeats to go. I am also, yes, PLODDING along on the Mystery Stole. I decided to lengthen it and so I did an extra amount of Clue 4, but I am almost done with Clue 5 and am enjoying this. It is funny how I feel pressured to finish it, but really it is just an enjoyable knit.
I must admit to feeling rather uninspired about finishing sweaters that will get little wear in a tropical climate, but since Purlesence is having a Ribbi Pulli photo shoot in honor of their one year anniversary, I might have to get going on that one!
Well, I need to go pack, and since I do not have any current knitting photos I will instead leave you with something I stumbled across earlier that has had me in a good mood all day. May it do the same for you!