It is a bit hard for me to believe, but our visit home is starting to wind down and in a few days we will be heading back to our Bangalore home. It has been a strange visit in a way. Hard to see people in terms of arranging the time, hard to see people in terms of not knowing when I will see them again when we part, hard to see people in terms of making priorities and such. I still have so much to do, things to purchase and yet I just want to go up to the hills, find a rock or a tree log, take a seat and breathe. It is so beautiful here. I really had forgotten how close nature is. The fresh air, the green hills and trees everywhere are gorgeous and refreshing. I used to complain that is was hard to get to when we lived here, now I appreciate it far more. Bangalore feels almost strangled in comparison. But this is the way it is.
I have enjoyed many things about our visit. Hanging out with friends and family in particular. We joke around that we have given a boost to the US economy while here with all of our stocking up and such. I have enjoyed being in a hotel with a Mexican restaurant next door!

I am having a hard time being very expressive about our stay here. I think that part of that is that I feel a bit confused about my feelings. It is good to be here but in a sense a bit uncomfortable. The economic downturn is apparent, we have heard and overheard many talking about salary cuts and lay-offs. Businesses that have been part of the local landscape my entire life are closing their doors. And yet in Bangalore we are isolated from all of that. We still live in the Golden Bubble. We have a driver, a housekeeper, and live what can only be called a privileged life. We know it. It is a bit hard to imagine that the global economy will enable us to return home for good anytime soon. This definitely makes our stay bittersweet. We are the migrant workers of the 21st Century. Visiting our house was odd as well. There are several young men renting it and it felt the same but so empty. No chaos of stuff everywhere. No blaring music competing from opposite sides of the house. No kids arguing or joking around. Just didn't feel like home. weird.
So we move on. Life is a transient experience after all. We are surfers. We catch a wave and ride until it is time to hop off, paying close attention so that we don't get dumped too hard. We want to be able to walk away with our board in hand and our head held high. Grateful for the experience and looking forward to the next ride.
Oh. Glad that you had a wonderful time. But I feel you--it is always difficult saying goodbye. Well, life.
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
We haven't had a trip home yet, in part I think in fear of finding what you have - an odd sort of dislocation. Next year we'll be going back for a month we hope - Nathan should be graduating and it will be All Very Odd.
Wishing you a New Year full of pleasant surprises and experiences.
Having lived abroad for much of my life, I understand what you are feeling. There came a point where nowhere seemed "home" anymore, I didn't quite fit anywhere, yet felt comfortable everywhere. You become a "citizen of the world". And it's OK, it is what it is.
BTW, the only food I was ever nostalgic about was Mexican food, at least the Tex-Mex version. It was unfindable in Europe. There were finally a couple of Mexican restaurants in Paris, but not a tortilla chip to be seen. It was funny to see what the ex-pats requested in their care packages from home. One wanted marshmallow cream and peanut butter.
Dear Cindy, I empathise with your mixed feelings. But just go with it and let it happen. You're experiencing places and colours and cultures and people that most don't get the chance to try. (Wasn't it Oscar Wilde who said that experience is what we find when we're usually looking for something else?) Oh and while you're still there - DON'T forget to stock up for Sock Madness III will you?
Wish you a very happy 2009 Cindy. I am leaving from Bangalore tomorrow. I had a nice time.
I ran across your blog while researching things to do in Bangalore. My father is working as an engineer in Bangalore and has been living there for about 6 months. My Mother visited for 3 months and is planning to go back to live in Bangalore soon. I believe they may have been at the Octoberfest with you. Because they will be there for a while I am planning a visit next June. I am interested in your blog because you are a knitter and a mom.
I am a spinner, weaver and sometimes knitter. My husband and I have a herd of 23 alpacas in Michigan. Because of my interests I am looking for yarn related activities to do during my trip to Bangalore. I have already found a source of silk yarn and sent my Mom shopping there. She brought me home a bag of beautiful silk yarns when they came back for Christmas.
If I do come to Bangalore my kids will come along too. I have a 15 year old son and a 9 year old daughter. I am interested in information about any fun activities for them to do during our visit.
Any information you can give me would be great! I have subscriberd to your blog and look forward to reading your posts. Some day I will make a blog of my own to go along with my web site, www.oakgrovealpacas.com
Hi Cindy, i came across ur blog when searching for knitting wool here in bangalore and was hunting for the same in ur posts when i came across this post.The restaurant,is it in mountain view?If you find any good mexican restaurant and knitting supplies shop in bangalore,please let me know :)
Dhanya- I have yet to find any good Mexican food in Bangalore. So, so sad! And yes, the restaurant I mentioned here is on El Camino in Mountain View. Excellent food! - though I prefer a different Mexican restaurant for Margaritas ;)
And knitting supplies? Well, there are a few, though nothing like you will find in the States or Europe. Check in on the South Asian Crafters group on Ravelry. There are quite a few of us in Bangalore :)
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